Students are heading off to college. Dorms are filling up, and new classmates are showing up in the hallways as the experience becomes real.

This summer I spoke with five students who had just completed their first year of college. We discussed their experiences, challenges, and the advice they would give to their past selves. Their stories were filled with lessons learned. Here are their top eight. I am so proud of the group!!

Who are they, you ask? My cohort of students is a diverse group. Their schools are close to home, two hours away, and one arrived by plane. They enrolled in schools with 20K and 5K students. They have different academic interests; some play DIII and club sports. Their diversity reflects the varied experiences you can expect in college.

What did they share?

#1 Comment—Get out of your DORM. A dorm room is for sleeping, unwinding, and relaxing with friends and roommates. Get out of your dorm. Find a quiet place to study away from the dorm. Find a calm place: library, tech center, or academic center.

#2 New friends are not all in the dorm. Outside of roommates (one was a horror show) and neighbors, all agreed they met more friends outside of the residence hall. Join a club or two, get involved with intramurals, eat in the dining hall, and attend events.

#3 College academics are more challenging than anticipated. Whether high school was a breeze or one spent long hours studying, the first semester was rough. There was a lot of reading and taking notes and a huge expectation from the faculty that you would do the work. Create some good study habits and stay on top of work. There was no handholding.

#4 Get to the Academic Center EARLY. Two of the rising Sophomores waited until the end of the semester to see out help—not their best move. Collectively, they all mentioned that their expectation of getting A’s, like in high school, became the reality of B’s and C’s. No one will be asking if you need help. Do not procrastinate.

#5 The 1st week or so was tough – One was alone more than she thought, everyone got homesick a bit, and all acknowledged they learned their ability to be independent

#6 Read your emails Events, messages from faculty, assignments, deadlines, and more are all communicated through emails and the student portal. Stay on top of things to avoid getting behind.

#7 Less is More – Everyone agreed; they took too much stuff to campus and sent most of it home.

#8 Be healthy – exercise, eat right, hydrate, get enough sleep, and watch out for free time. Check-in at home periodically; they want to know how you are doing.

Keep an eye on your college students. It’s a new experience and they will need you help. The key to one’s first year in college, 4YR, 2YR, Community College is making the transition to the world of higher education. A very different experience.

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