Students heading off to college in September should remember to review their Summer Checklist to make sure everything is in order. Oh, you do not have one, well consider the following item. New Freshman…yours have an extra star at the end.
The last thing any college students wants to happen is that you arrive on campus on move-in day and you can not get your swipe card or key to the castle (dorm)!! And this goes for returning upper-class students.
- Send in dorm deposit -should have been in a month ago!!
- Finalize your strategy to pay the net tuition cost (the balance) – due August 1st
- Register and/or RSVP for orientation (request alternative date if needed) *
- Search for a roommate on the college’s portal and/or at orientation; if you want to play the wild card you can always default to – One will be Assigned *
- Research dorm services and resources such as the magical Refrig-Micowave
- Activate your Student Email & ID *
- Submit your final High School or Community College Transcript *
- Complete outstanding forms (Meal Plan Selection, Campus Security Policy)
- Request, Sign and Submit a Student Health Waiver (if the student is covered under his/her parent’s healthcare plan
- Review the restrictions of sharing information set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and if everything is cool, seek out and execute a FERPA Waiver (allows parents to view student records even though a student turns 18 years of age) – come on..who is paying the bill!!.
- Health/Immunization Records *
- Documentation supporting the crediting of earned AP/IB credits *
- Take Placement Tests (if required) *
- Register for courses while attending orientation *
- Research Extra-curricular – learn how to get involved*
- Pack (don’t buy a lot of none personal items until you talk to your roommate(s)…dorms are small*
Finally, the last item on the list is the most critical. Have the conversation about college drinking. It happens, it’s reality and it is extremely important that 17-24 years old’s understand the consequences. Understand that over 1800 students each year DIE from excessive drinking not to mention the other negative outcomes. Parents & extended family members, don’t be naive – have the conversation and be supportive…….closing your eye could make your student number 1801!!
So, the clock is ticking and even thought the summer heat is raging the month of August will be gone in a flash. Plan now for a smooth move-in day and don’t forget to pencil in Parent’s Weekend.