Need help with how to finance your education after high school? Check out the many game changing options available to residents of Massachusetts.
4-Year Public Institution – apply to and receive an acceptance to attend any of the 4 UMASS Universities or 16 State Universities and pay in-state tuition, fees, and housing.
Mass Transfer Program – begin and complete an associate’s degree at any of the 15 Community Colleges and be eligible for reduced tuition and fees when transferring to obtain your four-year degree at one of the state’s 20 public colleges and universities.
Community College – enroll at any of the 15 colleges to boost your academic profile and obtain additional credentials or the business skills to help run your business.
MassReconnect – individuals 25+ a chance to start or complete a degree or gain valuable credentials at a reduced cost when enrolling in one of the 15 community colleges across the state.- learn more
MassGrant – valuable financial aid awarded to eligible MA residents enrolled full-time (12 credits) at any approved public, private, certificate, associate, or bachelor degree-granting institutions in Massachusetts. Awards may vary based on a student/family’s demonstrated need calculated when completing and filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Mass Grant Plus – financial aid awarded to eligible MA residents enrolled full-time (12 credits) OR part-time at a public college or university offering a certificate, associate, or bachelor degree-granting program. Awards may vary based on a student/family’s demonstrated need calculated when completing and filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
MassGrant Plus Extension –the program provides free tuition and fees to MA residents who qualify under the Federal Pell Grant Program. The MassGrant Plus Extension program will now cover a student/family’s demonstrated need, the Student Aid Index (SAI). Provisions of the program also include a $1200 award for books and supplies. The program does not cover housing or living expenses.
In addition, middle-income students enrolled full-time (12 credits) with family incomes from $73,000 to $100,000 will now be eligible for reduced out-of-pocket tuition and fees to 50%.
To qualify for many of these valuable resources, students and their families MUST complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA Application will be available on December 31, 2023. Download the 2024-2025 Financial Aid Checklist today to take steps to be ready to file FSAFA!!
High School Completers – under the guidelines of the MA “High School Completers” Program, eligible non-US citizens and undocumented students can receive in-state tuition rates and MA state financial aid benefits. Eligible students must complete the Student Application and Affidavit Form and the MA Student Financial Aid (MASFA) Form. Student who are covered under this benefit are not eligible for traditional need-based financial aid from the US Department of Education.
These programs are game changers for students and families residing in Massachusetts. Regardless of education path and career, every student and family should investigate the wealth of resources available here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including scholarships, financial aid, and tuition assistance. Learn More
These programs are game changers for students and families residing in Massachusetts. Regardless of education path and career, every student and family should investigate the wealth of resources, including Scholarships, financial aid, and tuition assistance available here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Learn More
Individuals and families in other states should check with the agency overseeing Higher Education or Post-Secondary tuition assistance, scholarships, and financial aid resources. Many states have similar programs for their residents.
Have a questions on how to make a higher education work for you.. call. Were here to help you navigate the funding, finding, apply and enrolling!
Article Updated 1.11.2024