Time to Meet Your College Counselors

High school gyms, cafeterias, and local auditoriums open their doors so students and families to meet college representative and learn about life after high school options..

Families of 10th and 11th grade students its time to explore and learn about colleges and universities, locally, statewide and in other parts of the country. You will learn about educational offerings, cost and how to get in. For seniors on the door step of graduation  and the end of high school its a chance to ask unanswered questions, share a resume and shake hands with a member of the Admissions decision making team.

Specialty events are also held for students and families interested in visual and performing arts, and STEM.  Events are always open to students and families living or working in the immediate area of the fair.

Maximize Your Event

  • Bring your list of prospective schools
  • Learn about new “unknown” possibilities
  • Ask questions, and be inquisitive
  • Register for information
  • Shake hands, introduce yourself, and collect business cards
  • Leave Behind Your Resume

Hint: When you return home, send your current and new interests an introductory email with a second copy of your resume (leave off your GPA and test scores).
Let the ‘reverse’ recruiting begins!!!!

Stay alert to announcement from your Guidance Department on when a specific college or university will be visiting your high school. It could be your one to one interview.

2024 Massachusetts Fall Evening and Special Event College and Career Fairs
Check with the host school or organization for a list of colleges and universities scheduled to attend.

To learn more about our services, and approach to assisting family’s with planning and funding your student’s educational pathways after high school, visit www.getcollegegoing.com. Start a Conversation- the office is always open.